Maritime Cyber Symposium London – 2nd November 2018
- September 16, 2018

Plymouth University
Roland Levinsky Building
Dear PYNDA Members,
We have an invitation to the Maritime Cyber Symposium on the 2nd of November in London from the University of Plymouth courtesy of Professor Tom Crichton.
This invitation is for PYNDA members only.
The details including link to register is as below.
As on-ship and shore-based technologies develop, becoming more intricately connected, action to address the growth in maritime-cyber threat becomes essential. Shipping infrastructure is critical to modern society, transporting 90% of the world’s essential goods. Therefore, a balanced and realistic understanding of maritime cyber threat is essential to maintain business continuity. The collaboration of industry, government and academia is key for creating effective and sustainable solutions in this rapidly developing and fast moving threat landscape.
The University of Plymouth and Institute of Risk Management (IRM) / Altran invite you to the Maritime Cyber Threats and Awareness Symposium (CyMar’18 London) on November 2nd 2018 at the UK Chamber of Shipping, London .
This is an invitation only event free to key stakeholders and aims to bring together industry, research, and policy making to discuss the latest aspects of maritime cyber threats in a business context with a view to informing policy and developing real world solutions.
Key topics:
- Awareness of the maritime cyber threat landscape
- Maritime cyber threat and consequence
- Maritime cyber defence, policy and risk mitigation
Keynote speaker The Rt Hon. Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom
Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a panel-led discussion on future defence and prevention strategies.
To book a complimentary place at this event, please register through the Survey Monkey link below.
Maritime Cyber Threats & Awareness Symposium CYMAR’18 London Survey Web survey powered by Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkey’s expert certified FREE templates. |
(If you experience difficulties opening the hyperlink in Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the link into the browser search box in Google Chrome)
Draft Programme
09.00 – 10.00 | Registration |
10.00 – 10.05 |
Opening Remarks Tom Crichton, Associate Head, Navigation and Maritime Science, School of Engineering, University of Plymouth |
10.05 – 10.35 |
Keynote Speaker The Rt Hon. Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom |
10.35 – 10.50 | Coffee Break |
10.50 – 12.00 | Session 1: Context |
IRM: The Evolution of Cyber Threats (25 mins) 10 min questions Cerberus: State Level Threats (25 mins) 10 min questions |
12.00 – 13.00 | Lunch and Refreshments |
13.00 – 14.15 | Session 2: Consequences and Risk |
MAIB: Cyber Threats and Consequences (25 mins) 10 mins questions UoP: Risk and policy 10 mins questions |
14.15 – 14.50 | Session 3: Plenary Panel |
14.50 – 15.00 | Closing Remarks |
The location of the symposium venue, UK Chamber of Shipping, can be found through their website below.